Haiti: A Creditor, Not a Debtor
Haiti: A Creditor, Not a Debtor
Journalism — Posts
February 11th, 2010
By Naomi Klein
If we are to believe the G-7 finance ministers, Haiti is on its way to getting something it has deserved for a very long time: full”forgiveness” of its foreign debt. In Port-au-Prince, Haitian economist Camille Chalmers has been watching these developments with cautious optimism. Debt cancellation is a good start, he told Al Jazeera English, but “It’s time to go much further. We have to talk about reparations and restitution for the devastating consequences of debt.” In this telling, the whole idea that Haiti is a debtor needs to be abandoned. Haiti, he argues, is a creditor—and it is we, in the West, who are deeply in arrears.
Our debt to Haiti stems from four main sources: slavery, the US occupation, dictatorship and climate change. These claims are not fantastical, nor are they merely rhetorical. They rest on multiple violations of legal norms and agreements. Here, far too briefly, arehighlights of the Haiti case.