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We Need An Exodus From Zionism

We Need An Exodus From Zionism

Journalism — Posts

April 24, 2024
By Naomi Klein 

Reprinted from a speech at the Emergency Seder in the Streets in Brooklyn on April 23, 2024.

I’ve been thinking about Moses, and his rage when he came down from the mount to find the Israelites worshipping a golden calf.  The ecofeminist in me was always uneasy about this story: what kind of God is jealous of animals? What kind of God wants to hoard all the sacredness of the Earth for himself? But there is a less literal way of understanding this story. It is about false idols. About the human tendency to worship the profane and shiny, to look to the small and material rather than the large and transcendent.  What I want to say to you tonight at this revolutionary and historic Seder in the Streets is that too many of our people are worshipping a false idol once again. They are enraptured by it. Drunk on it. Profaned by it.

That false idol is called Zionism.

Read in The Guardian
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