The Right to Be Cold: A revelatory memoir that looks at what climate change means for the north
The Right to Be Cold: A revelatory memoir that looks at what climate change means for the north
Journalism — Posts
March 13th, 2015
By Naomi Klein
Sheila Watt-Cloutier is one of the most widely respected political figures to emerge from Canada’s Arctic, and this potential was identified early on. When she was just 10 years old, she and her friend Lizzie were selected as promising future Inuit leaders and sent to live with a white family in the tiny coastal community of Blanche, N.S. Having grown up in Nunavik, Que., on dog sleds and in canoes, the young Watt-Cloutier loved new experiences and approached the long voyage south in the spirit of adventure.
The girls were in for what Watt-Cloutier now describes as a “brutal shock.”