Climate Change Is Intergenerational Theft. That’s Why My Son Is Part of This Story
Climate Change Is Intergenerational Theft. That’s Why My Son Is Part of This Story
Journalism — Posts
November 6th, 2016
By Naomi Klein
The short film I’ve made with the Guardian stars my son, Toma, aged four years and five months. That’s a little scary for me to write, since, up until this moment, my husband, Avi, and I have been pretty careful about protecting him from public exposure. No matter how damn cute we think he’s being, absolutely no tweeting is allowed.
So I want to explain how I decided to introduce him to you in this very public way.
For the past eight years, I have been writing and speaking about climate change pretty much around the clock. I use all the communication tools I can — books, articles, feature documentary, photographs, lectures.