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Naomi Klein


One of the most forceful and even lyrical voices for social justice for decades.

Praise: Doppelganger
Judith Butler, Author of Gender Trouble and The Force of Nonviolence

“Naomi Klein’s thoughtful and honest inquiry into the troubling duplication of her name and the distorted appropriation of her views becomes the occasion for an incisive account of how the Right has appropriated Left discourses, producing a nightmarish doubling that has plunged some of us into silence. Klein writes herself back into existence and brings the rest of us with her, contesting the self as both brand and projection. In the course of a truly admirable struggle against proprietary selfhood, Klein illuminates the threat of mirroring posed by Fascist messaging that absorbs and negates the most urgent convictions on the Left. Klein moves her reader toward the truer grounds of solidarity in these times, showing us how to resist the lures of Fascism with militant humility and connection, letting ourselves be upended by what we thought we could not bear to see so that we can face and build an affirmative future.”

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

“Naomi Klein has been one of our most important intellectuals, distilling the political economies of corruption and crisis in our time. Her new work examines the ways these crises have taken new form, exemplified by the absurd and dangerous political stunts and spectacles that have come to dominate our societies today. Klein plunges into the topsy-turvy world of doubles, mirrors, and shadowlands to show that the growth of the right is not a case of despised malignancies infecting our otherwise pure societies; rather, it’s a matter of our own fears, insecurities, and defense mechanisms, all of them rooted in a savagely unequal and violent society. Klein writes with humor, enormous bravery, and humbling vulnerability. This is an extraordinary book.”

Molly Crabapple, Author of Drawing Blood

“A dazzling, hallucinatory tour de force that takes the reader through shadow selves and global fascism, leaving them gasping by the end.”

Bill McKibben, Author of The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon and Falter

“It seems ever more possible that our society might collapse under the sheer weight of nonsense and performance and crazy misinformation that overwhelm our infoworld. With her trademark clarity and perception, and with chemo-level doses of wit and common sense, Naomi Klein goes further than anyone has gone so far in helping us understand that buzzing and confounding mess, and to see some ways out. If ever a book was necessary, it’s this one.”

V (Formerly Eve Ensler), Author of Reckoning and The Vagina Monologues

“If you want to make sense of a world upside-down, this staggering masterpiece will show you how—and then it blazes a path to a more loving and caring future.”

Douglas Rushkoff, Documentarian and Author of Survival of the Richest

“This will be remembered as Naomi Klein’s true master work: the ultimate expression of our collective crisis, told through the necessarily subjective lens of human experience. Decades of research and praxis inform what amounts to a literary odyssey into the funhouse of media mirror worlds — a journey from which we return with greater wisdom about our predicament and clarity about how to extricate ourselves, together. Doppelganger
deploys the full spectrum of human faculties — imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory, and reason — to conjure a stunningly satisfying rejection of both technocratic capitalism and fascist authoritarianism. A triumph.”

China Miéville, Author of The City & The City and A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto

“This book is as foreboding as a guide through the maze of mirrors of the modern right should be. But it’s not only that: Naomi Klein has made Doppelganger gripping and scintillating, too. The result is a reckoning with the present moment that’s as insightful as all of Klein’s indispensable work, and as suspenseful as a novel.”

Kim Stanley Robinson, Author of The Ministry for the Future

“Naomi Klein’s books have been building one on the next to create a very powerful and influential cognitive mapping of our time. This new book takes a personal turn, then opens out into an analysis of our shared global dilemma that is as incisive and fascinating as anything she has ever written—which is saying a lot. And it’s also quite moving. As always, my first thought on finishing one of her books is Thank you.”

Angela Y. Davis, Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California, Santa Cruz

“Naomi Klein never disappoints.  Doppelganger swirls through the bewildering ideas of the ultra-right that often appear as a distorted mirror of left struggle and strategy.  With her always incisive analysis of the systems and structures linked to global capitalism, Klein now fiercely and brilliantly urges that our justice movements be prepared to follow the quest for new meaning into dimensions where we might least expect to find it: in injury and vulnerability.”

Sheena Patel, Author of I’m a Fan

“I finished this book and nearly cried with relief, Klein gave me the gift of being calm. She explores and diagnoses with empathy, warmth and searing precision the confusion and utter madness of what it is to be alive right now. This is a big book with big ideas which poses the most direct questions for our times. Everyone needs to read it as a matter of urgency.”

Johann Hari, Author of Stolen Focus

“Once a decade, Naomi Klein writes a book that prompts us to completely rethink the moment we’re in. Doppelganger helps us to understand, in a deep and tectonic way, why our society is becoming unrecognizable to us – and why so many people we know are changing in disturbing ways. It’s a book about going down a rabbit hole that becomes about the nature of the rabbit hole itself. If you want to understand where we are now – and how to find our way back to sanity – you have to read this totally brilliant book.”

Praise: On Fire
Los Angeles Times

“Canadian writer and activist Naomi Klein has been one of the most forceful and even lyrical voices for social justice for decades . . . . Today, this transformative program has a name: the Green New Deal. But before Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her political colleagues popularized the Green New Deal, Klein backed the Leap Manifesto, a visionary document intended as a yardstick (or meter-stick, for Canadians like Klein and me) to measure any climate crisis proposal against: You must be this bold to save the planet. Anything less is cowardice and depraved indifference to the plight of our children and (especially) the children of poor people in poor countries . . . . It’s an urgent book that never surrenders hope, committed to the idea that we can act and insistent that we must. Klein’s message could not be more timely, because the time for action is now.”

Read the Full Review


“For a quarter century, now, Naomi Klein has been an outspoken and fearless voice on that which late-stage hyper-capitalism has wrought upon the world: income inequality, overreaching corporate power, for-profit empire building and, of course, the consequent climate crisis . . . . Klein collects her longform writing on the climate crisis—and somehow manages to strike a hopeful note as she calls for a radical commitment to the Green New Deal, the kind of collective mobilization that saved us from the brink in WWII, and might be our only hope now.“

New York Times

“If I were a rich man, I’d buy 245 million copies of Naomi Klein’s ‘On Fire’ and hand-deliver them to every eligible voter in America…because it makes a strong case for tackling the climate crisis as not just an urgent undertaking, but an inspiring one.”

Read the Full Review

Texas Observer

“With admirable concision, passion, and coherence . . . On Fire is a clarion call to that kind of courage and ambition, and for anyone inclined toward hope and action over resignation and denial, it’s inspiring.”

Read the Full Review


“Whether speaking at a Vatican conference on a papal climate encyclical or investigating the extreme disasters of wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and floods, Klein’s passion for action reflects the political, social, and scientific gridlock that makes such sweeping, transformational legislation imperative. Her zeal and eloquence will inspire, engage, and motivate those who are concerned about the planet’s future to become even more involved in taking any and all possible steps to curb or reverse further disruption and destruction.”

Boston Globe

” . . . she sets out her argument with a precision that matches her passion….This is a scorching volume for a heated time. The fire next time, it turns out, is now.”

Read the Full Review

Kirkus Reviews

“An impassioned anthology of the author’s evidence-based pleas to alleviate climate change . . . . What separates Klein from many other advocates for a Green New Deal is her balanced combination of idealism and politics-based realism . . . . Another important addition to the literature on the most essential issue of our day.”

Read the Full Review

Boston Globe

“Indeed, these 320 pages constitute Donald Trump’s worst nightmare: not only a plan to address a climate crisis he doesn’t think exists (or blames on the Chinese), but also a menu of just about everything he abhors — with special emphasis on a vision of immigration that does not include a border wall . . . . The most effective and persuasive part of this book is in its first 53 pages, written as an introduction to what follows. In those pages she sets out her argument with a precision that matches her passion . . . . This is a scorching volume for a heated time. The fire next time, it turns out, is now.”

Praise: No Is Not Enough
Cornel West

“Naomi Klein is one of the few revolutionary public intellectuals of great integrity and vision.”

The Washington Post

“Naomi Klein’s new book, No Is Not Enough, is a bit of a told-you-so. And here’s the thing: She really did tell us.”

The Guardian, Hari Kunzru

“Klein’s background and expertise allow her to pull together the disparate threads of what it would be misleading to call ‘Trumpism’, if only because of the unwarranted suggestion of system and control. She insists, rightly in my view, that there is a need to promote a positive alternative social vision, and that ostensibly ‘utopian’ aims and proposals are a way to avoid being caught in a politics that is merely reactive or timidly reformist.”

The Guardian, Paul Mason

“In No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein anatomises the roots of Trump in the already dystopian world of corporate-ruled America and predicts the ‘end run around democracy’. A clear and readable guide to action, if it is action you are contemplating.”

Praise: This Changes Everything

“Naomi Klein . . . is one of the most internationally celebrated Canadians alive . . . . Klein’s bestselling and award-winning critiques of globalized capitalism and climate change—translated into dozens of languages—have been touchstones for the political left, not only in Canada but worldwide, and hailed as incisive manifestos for socio-economic change.”

The Guardian

“Klein helps to intellectually arm the rank-and-file activists and offer some hope to those thirsty for alternatives. Other writers who want a just, equal and sustainable world will undoubtedly emerge: and like me, Klein’s work will spur them on.”

The Observer

“Klein is a brave and passionate writer who always deserves to be heard, and this is a powerful and urgent book.”

Financial Times

“Klein is one of the left’s most influential figures and a prominent climate champion . . . . [She] is a gifted writer and there is little doubt about the problem she identifies.”

The New York Times

This Changes Everything is, improbably, Klein’s most optimistic book. She braids together the science, psychology, geopolitics, economics, ethics and activism that shape the climate question. The result is the most momentous and contentious environmental book since Silent Spring.”

The Globe and Mail

“Klein’s great gifts have always been synthesizing huge amounts of information and drawing connections between seemingly disparate issues; on those points, This Changes Everything is no different.”

Arundhati Roy

“Naomi Klein applies her fine, fierce and meticulous mind to the greatest, most urgent questions of our times . . . . I count her among the most inspirational political thinkers in the world today.”

Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust

“Written with an elegant blend of science, statistics, field reports and personal insight, [This Changes Everything] does not paralyze but buoys the reader . . . . Klein’s urgency and outrage is balanced by meticulous documentation and passionate argument. Heart and mind go hand in hand in this magisterial response to a present crisis.”

The Gazette

“Klein does more than present an alarming look at where we are as a planet—she actually posits realistic ways out of our end-game. Her uncanny ability to marshall a staggering amount of research into a page-turning clarion call should never be taken for granted.”

Alfonso Cuarón

“Naomi is like a great doctor – she can diagnose problems nobody else sees”

The Atlantic

“These days, the prevailing mood in response to climate change seems to be one of despair. It’s too late. The problem is too massive. But Klein sees something else. She sees a possibility: that a more humane economy can be shaped by aggressively combating climate change.”

Rolling Stone

“Naomi Klein has been progressivism’s most visible, most charmingly articulate spokesperson . . . .”

New Scientist

“Powerfully and uncompromisingly written, the impassioned polemic we have come to expect from Klein, mixing firsthand accounts of events around the world and withering political analysis . . . . Her stirring vision is nothing less than a political, economic, social, cultural and moral makeover of the human world.”

The Huffington Post

“Klein is an extraordinarily gifted writer and visionary, Big Picture strategic thinker.”

Seth MacFarlane

“Check out [Naomi Klein’s] incredible book This Changes Everything. It may be the most important book you read this decade.”

Praise: The Shock Doctrine
LA Times

“Not everybody’s going to agree with her, but this is reporting and history-writing in the tradition of Izzy Stone and Upton Sinclair. Klein upends assumptions and demands that we think — her book is thrilling, troubling and very dark.”

The New York Times

“Klein provides a rich description of the political machinations required to force unsavory economic policies on resisting countries, and of the human toll.”

John Berger

“Naomi Klein as a writer is an accusing angel . . . . A book to be read everywhere.”

The Vancouver Sun

“Riveting . . . . confirms Naomi Klein’s status as one of the most important intellectuals of our times.”

Howard Zinn

“Naomi Klein is an investigative reporter like no other. She roams the continents with eyes wide open and her brain operating at full speed, finding connections we never thought of and patterns which eluded us . . . . This is a brilliant book, one of the most important I have read in a long time.”

Anthony Shadid

The Shock Doctrine is, simply put, a book without peer, an epic and riveting work whose message must be heard . . . . Honest, urgent and necessary to read . . . an essential book; only Klein could write it.”

Newark Star-Ledger

“A towering polemic . . . . Klein is not simply a woman with a bullhorn. A fierce writer whose prose has the metaphorical gusto of Susan Sontag’s in its best moments, Klein manages to weave a narrative out of a large variety of historical events that is equal parts cultural commentary and investigative journalism.”

Seymour M. Hersh

“Naomi Klein is one of the most new important voices in journalism today, as this book makes clear. She has turned globalism inside out, and in so doing given all of us a new way of looking at our seemingly unending disaster in Iraq, and a new way of understanding why we got there.”

Praise: No Logo
NOW Magazine

“Fiercely committed, totally brainy and one of our most stellar exports, Naomi Klein has done more to bring leftist politics to a new generation than any other writer in the world.”

The Village Voice

“Nothing short of a complete, user-friendly handbook on the negative effects that ’90s uberbrand marketing has had on culture, work and consumer choice . . . . No Logo may itself be one of the anticorporate movement’s best hopes yet.”

The Times

“Klein brilliantly humanises No Logo with fascinating personal stories, her voice firm but never preachy, her argument detailed but never obscure.”

The Globe and Mail

“Naomi Klein’s trenchant new book … is the very essence of cool.”

The Guardian

“An intelligently written and superbly reported account of a culture that has moved from selling products to hawking brands . . . A couple of chapters in, your mind is already reeling. Klein can write: favouring informality and crispness over jargon . . . convincing and necessary, clear and fresh, calm but unsparing.”

The Guardian

No Logo has been a word-of-mouth sensation, giving voice to a generation of people under thirty who have never related to politics until now.  The band Radiohead were so inspired by No Logo that they have banned corporate advertising from their British tour, deeming all venues ‘logo free’ . . . . Naomi Klein might just be helping to reinvent politics for a new generation.”

The Boston Globe

No Logo is an attractive sprawl of a book describing a vast confederacy of activist groups with a common interest in reining in the power of lawyering, marketing, and advertising to manipulate our desires.”

The Observer

“A riveting conscientious piece of journalism and a call to arms. Packed with enlightening statistics and extraordinary anecdotal evidence, No Logo is fluent, undogmatically alive to the contradictions and omissions, and positively seethes with intelligent anger.”

The Times Literary Supplement (London)

“A brilliant account of how Nike, Starbucks, McDonald’s, etc, branded the industrialized world, and how the most exciting strand of radical politics is now bound up with resisting . . . . Fantastic and inspiring.”

The New York Times

“A movement bible”

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